Guidelines for the Proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published online on the EENS website in the autumn semester of 2024 in a digital format (ebook) with the assigned International Standard Book Number (ISBN).


To ensure the proceedings’ uniformity, please follow the instructions below:


1.     Your text should be submitted as a Word file to the following new email address exclusively for the publication management of the proceedings no later than January 15, 2024There will be no deadline extensions. Please name the file using your last and first name in Latin characters, e.g., Nikolaou.Alexandra.doc. 

2.     The font size should be 12pt, single-spaced, with the Word’s default margins (2.54 cm top & bottom, 3.17 cm right & left). The main text should not exceed 6000 words.

3.     The manuscript’s title should be capitalized and centered on the first line. The author’s name should be in lowercase on the following line after the title. Please add an asterisk (*) to the author’s last name, also serving as the first footnote. In the first footnote, the author should provide their name again, academic or professional title, email address, affiliation, grants or financial support, a personal website, or any other relevant information (this footnote should be at most 100 words).

4.     Titles and subtitles of sections should be in regular font (not italic, bold, or underlined) and left-aligned.


5.     Tables and figures should be included in the main text (not at the end), using single spacing and a 10pt font size. Before each table or figure, there should be an appropriate title with a font size of 10pt. Tables and figures should be submitted as separate image files (e.g., tiff, jpeg, excel, etc.). Please make sure to check the copyright for photos or other illustrations.


6.     Footnotes should be written in 10pt size, numbered consecutively, and placed at the bottom of the page.

7.     Titles and various terms within the text should be placed in italics. Short quotations of up to 20 words should be placed in quotation marks. Longer quotations should be presented as separate paragraphs with an indentation in the main text and enclosed in quotation marks in the footnotes.

8.     After the main text, provide the bibliography, which should only include publications referenced in the manuscript. The bibliography should follow this format:

a. For a monograph: Zanou Konstantina, Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800-1850: Stammering the Nation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. 

The citation format should be Zanou (2018: 45), where the publication year and page number are included in parentheses.


b. For a journal publication: Roderick Beaton, “The oral traditions of Modern Greece: a survey,” Oral Tradition, No 1, 1986:110-133. The citation format should be Beaton (1986: 125).

Βρέλλη-Ζάχου Μ., «ΕνδυματολογίαΔιδασκαλία και έρευνα στο Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων», Διαβάζω, 245, 1990: 54-59.


The citation format should be Βρέλλη-Ζάχου (1990: 58)


c. For a publication in an edited volume: Αποστολοπούλου, Γεωργία, "Ο Γληνός και η φιλοσοφική ερμηνεία του ‘Σοφιστή’," στο Δημήτρης Γληνός : Παιδαγωγός και Φιλόσοφος, Αθήνα: Gutenberg, 1983: 59-76. The citation format should be Αποστολοπούλου (1983: 72).


Powrie Phil, ‘French neo-noir to hyper noir’ in Andrew Spicer (ed.) European film noir, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007: 55-83


d. For an online publicationΛοβέρδουΜυρτώ, “Το θέατρο σώζει και σώζεται,” Το Βήμα/Πολιτισμός, 28.1.2018 ( The citation format should be (Λοβέρδου, 28.1.2018).


9.     The bibliography must be uniform and arranged according to the Latin alphabet. Please transcribe authors and titles in alphabets other than Latin and Greek to the Latin alphabet.

10.  After the bibliography, please provide an English abstract titled “Abstract” if your manuscript is in Greek. If your manuscript is in another language, provide an abstract in Greek with the title “Περίληψη.”

11.  Finally, include up to five keywords, e.g., Επτανησιακή Σχολή, Σολωμός, ρομαντική ποίηση.

You can find sample manuscripts from the previous conference at the following link: [].


Before the manuscript’s final formatting (layout), you will receive suggestions in order to make final changes to your manuscript. 


Each author is responsible for the linguistic editing of their manuscript.


Once the manuscripts are finalized, they will be sent to you for approval before publication.


Thank you very much for your cooperation!